Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fishing with Steve at Titlow Beach Friday Dec 17th 2010

We hit Titlow Beach again. This time the tide was out so there was an actual beach to fish from. I used my new pole for the first time. I stopped at Cabella's outdoor store (in Olympia) on the way up from Portland and was totally amazed at the huge selection of fishing stuff, and the aquariums and waterfall. Wow. What a great place. Its like a Disneyland for fishermen. The prices seem a bit high though. I really just needed a spool of 10lb line for my new pole and the cheapest they had was $8, so I went to Freddies and got it for $2.79.

Here is my new pole:

Here is Steve looking like a girlyman in his funny hat:

By the way we did not catch any fish.
Here's Steves' picture after I played around with it with Google Picnic (photo editing program)

This is my new facebook profile picture.
I think it captures my true inner self

Here's the QR code for this website. Cool.

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