Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here's a few cool links:
This place must have both a Matel ThingMaker and a CreepyCrawler set, and lots of Goo. When I was a kid I wanted to start a business like this with Steve, making fishing lures. I've lost most of these lures by getting snagged, but someday I will catch a fish with one.
This place sells the worms to Fred Meyers, and they do a nice job. They were really big worms, and lasted a long time. The ones I didn't use are in my compost pile, and they might be large enough by now to kill me in my sleep. Really - they were so big they sort of creeped me out, like snakes. They were so big we needed to cut them in half with my pliers (standard equipment in my tackle box) and even cut in half they put up a really good fight. They must have brains at each end.
This place also has great worms. Try them fried with garlic, and a nice red wine. Or use them to catch fish. I think a few got loose in the back seat of my car. Thanks Steve.

H wanted to let you all know that the last time we fished (in the Tualitin River) he fell on his ass. OK H are you happy now?


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