Thursday, June 16, 2011

May 18th 2011 Clamming at Del Ray Beach on Mt. St. Hellen's eruption anniversary.

3am pick up. On the beach by 5am.
A perfect day for clamming. I got my limit of 15. Everyone got a good load of nice fat juicy Pacific Razor clams. .

Ellen looking for clam #1

A bucket of big ones.

Bills Fishin' Hole, Orting Wa.

A bit like shooting fish in a barrel except using a fishing pole instead of a gun. It was fun to catch magnificent trophy size Rainbow trout even if it was pretty easy. It was good to see old friends also. (Trish, Carisa, Daemain)

Those are some very nice trout

Fishing with Steve Memorial Day 2011, American Lake

May 30 Steve and I rented a boat on American Lake and ended up catching 10 Perch (Steve got 6 I got 4).

 Live Bait:

 That Evening Steve rocked the house at JazzBones. 

 The next day I had a job-site visit at the UW to look at cast stone parts of this building: